Author by Eugene Lopatynsky
With INTERNET you may be enabling criminals to communicate with and have direct access to your kids, completely outside your own awareness. Is it surprising if kids are disobedient, ungrateful, rebellious? Are not real devils raising your kids?
Giving unsupervised internet access to your children opens them to the entire LUCIFERIAN PHANTASY MACHINE and increasingly to abduction, luring them with promises, secretly, into parks or streets at night. Once gone you are not likely to see them ever again. We live now in the times of 2 Tim 3: 1-5, in dangerous times. Look it up. Keep internet, computer and cell phones out of their hands.
Keep in mind that kids under 6 -7 years old accept media information and attitudes almost or completely hypnotically. They have no defense or screening capacity and most remain vulnerable to great extent till a world view does crystalize, usually near 17 to 20 years of age. . If you allow devils to raise your kids, then at that age it becomes too late.
THE REMEDY IS SIMPLY TO TURN OFF MASS MEDIA AND TURN ON YOUR OWN PROGRAMMING: YOUR OWN SELECTION OF DVD’S, MUSIC AND INSPIRATIONAL PROGRAMS. Start by saving your favorite DVD’s and purchase Christian recordings you like. This will become very important, especially if you have impressionable children
In strict traditional Christian homes only selected DVD and Musical libraries are provided, without any access to cable programming or Luciferian input through radio, TV or cell phone computers. The resulting peace and freedom from stress and neurosis are remarkable. Some say that the incidence of cancer declines as well, because some of these modern traps (electronics) give off radiation.
Home Schooling your kids is becoming increasingly a “must” for Christian families. Investigate Christian sources providing all the materials and test answers for you to chck. Avoid like a plague the brutal, satanized public “education” and the disastrous influence of bad “friends”. The Establishment will tell you that kids need to interact with a public school environment. Don’t ever believe it. What they need is to be far from it.
Two hours of home schooling is usually equivalent to 20 hours of school “instruction”. Home schooling can also be shared with another Christian family or with grandparents.
Understanding discipline is essential. Whom will you believe? The Luciferians or God? The only discipline the average kid gets at school is the immorality, violence and brutal beatings and hazing of their peers. Some even committed suicide as a result.
Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther foresaw much of this: “I am afraid that the schools will prove the very gates of hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures and engraving them in the heart of the youth”. For details check for Discipling Bible Studies (on Bar) and scroll down to “Message to Parents” (Teach, Discipline, Love). Share everything with your kids, your work too, if you can, after HOME SCHOOLING and after their assigned chores and workload. Money allowances teach kids to be parasites. Assign duties to them and pay them for it. Teach them a concept of responsibility and holding a job. Only siblings or known Christian kids are permitted to play with each other, off and on.
We live in a world of increasing divorces, destroyed families and virtually abandoned children. Most of us are turning increasingly to internet for communication. LAMENTABLY so do the satanic predators, professional whores, robbers, drug dealers and child traffickers of this world. Many specialize in targeting children.
Introduce the kids very early to the love and guidance of our God. This is actually the most important step of all. Our world is turning emotionally colder all the time. This applies double to lonesome kids, lost in a moral holocaust. Not only our happiness here, but, more importantly, our eternity is at stake. Introduce your kids early to the love of God. Use a short, daily Bible Study.
Explain to them, how with infinite love God gave us a Savior, to pay our penalty and a Bible, a guide and light on our path!
The Bible is a love story; written with blood, upon a wooden cross; the story of God’s love for you.
Men are not lost because they are sinners; they are lost because they have rejected Jesus who died for them. Even if you go into a lost eternity and have not accepted Christ, He died for you, and you simply made His sacrifice for you of no avail. You have trodden underfoot the blood of your Savior.
Any CONCEIVABLE sacrifice in this world is worthwhile just to find Jesus and to belong to Him! If you want Him, pray now with me,
If you do this, and mean it, with an open heart, this prayer will never fail. It will become the greatest thing you will ever have, and it will last forever. Even in this life it will be the greatest happiness you’ll know, and a light upon your path. Conversely, to FAIL in this, will be the GREATEST DISASTER you will ever have, both here and hereafter.
After this, clean up your life with the Bible. Check out the guide in “How to read the Bible and clean up your life” in (under “Discipling Bible Studies”, on Bar). It’s made for you.
How about organizing a “Bible Group”, a home Bible Study, once a week? Invite your friends and neighbors. Invite speakers from your church. Then give a Biblical subject to each participant and have him or her research it and teach in Bible class on a rotational basis. A family study can continue every day. Every member could bring a verse to explore.
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